Despite the mantra of the left about "100,000+" civilians killed by U.S. Forces (a bogus number), the "insurgents"--- aka "freedom fighters" in Cindy Sheehan's mind---continue to kill innocent Iraqis. And in the following story, check the Italian prime minister's current view. Gotta love the revisionist history. Besides, why take advice from a country where the government changes every fifteen minutes?
BORDER SECURITY DEBATED IN SACRAMENTO. And the left still doesn't get it.
A nation must secure its borders. And we're not just talking about Mexico here. Al Qaeda is most likely to wander in over the Canadian border. Sovereignty depends on security.
If the Border Patrol can't/won't do what needs to be done (due to Federal inaction) then a state border police force makes lots of sense.
BORDER SECURITY DEBATED IN SACRAMENTO. And the left still doesn't get it.
A nation must secure its borders. And we're not just talking about Mexico here. Al Qaeda is most likely to wander in over the Canadian border. Sovereignty depends on security.
If the Border Patrol can't/won't do what needs to be done (due to Federal inaction) then a state border police force makes lots of sense.
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