Actual photo of Larson doing research in 1957.

Monday, October 10, 2005


Welcome to my new (long awaited) BLOG! Yes, here it is... a DAILY (or "whenever I feel like it") UPDATE: My personal musings on issues of the day, behind the scenes stories, sneak previews... assorted tidbits you'll want to know about. We'll also supply links to key news and personalities, background briefings you'll want to absorb, photos... and lots of things we simply can't get into the daily KOGO radio show. (Typos are included at NO EXTRA CHARGE!)

OFF TO THE FUTURE: Of course this destroys any goofy idea I might have concerning a future career in politics! Imagine the "e-paper trail" here! Hey, consider how Washington, DC would be swirling at a new level of lunacy if Harriet Miers had been consistently blogging. (BTW: Bush could do better in his pick for the Supremes. Prediction: He'll withdraw her nomination... but if he swaps for Alberto Gonzales, you ain't seen nothing yet when it comes to conservative wrath.)

SPEAKING OF OUTRAGE: Judge Patricia Cowett's decision on the Mt. Soledad War Memorial (or as she loves to call in, "The Latin Cross") is reprehensible. Proof positive of the Left's control of many courtrooms. Did McElroy and Aguirre help her draft her ruling. Egad. Well, the battle's not over. Big question: Did Cowett craft her ruling in a premeditated way to block any appeal? (What's that smell? A whiff of "recall" in the air, hmm?)

IS IT JUST ME?: Or has "Saturday Night Live" ceased to be funny and pointed about 98% of the time? I'm finding "Meet The Press" much more amusing, especially with the drama: When will Russert's bloating-ala-Teddy-Kennedy face fill the entire picture, even on the most gargantuan plasma screens? Do liberals really think we're buying their same-ol-same-ol from their dusty playbooks?

60 MINUTES SENSITIVITY: Clinton still yanks chains and gets the old-stream media to do his bidding. Former FBI Director Louis Freeh's explosive interview with Mike Wallace gets a sort of equal-time treatement from the bloodshot-eye network. They're giving Sandy Burglar (Berger... he of "sorry your honor, I filled my pants with National Archives secrets and I'll never do it again" fame) TIME TO RESPOND to Freeh's damning allegations about Bubba. Good grief.