As John Gibson from Fox News told me today on my show, "It's not a full court press, it's an assault". Clintonistas are terrified that their leader will be revealed to have been more interested in Monica than the nation's security. Lt. Col. (ret.) "Buzz" Patterson, the man who carried the "nuclear football" for Bubba says it is true that The Man from Hope missed opportunties to snag Bin Laden. Well, truth doesn't matter to the Clinton defenders. While ABC makes final edits, Bush may give ABC an easy out by scheduling his speech to the nation in prime time (central and eastern times), forcing the network into a scheduling problem. Here's the buzz from Buzz:

Hey, America, trust me!
MORE FROM NEW YORK CITY: We're on location in Manhattan all weekend, preparing for our big 9/11 Anniversary broadcast on Monday, live from Ground Zero. You won't want to miss it.

Hey, America, trust me!
MORE FROM NEW YORK CITY: We're on location in Manhattan all weekend, preparing for our big 9/11 Anniversary broadcast on Monday, live from Ground Zero. You won't want to miss it.
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