Actual photo of Larson doing research in 1957.

Sunday, November 12, 2006


There are more Bush 41 people suddenly in places of prominence in Bush 43-land. Too many: It's as if the elders are saying, "OK, W, you've tried it your way, now we need to clean it up". Time to be concerned. Americans hired Bush 43 because he was more conservative than his father, at least in some areas. With all the current GOP talk of the need to return to Reagan principles (and we do) this new old-Bush-insiders plan isn't the way to make it happen. The earlier Bushies were quick to get rid of Reaganites in 1989 and we know what happened to the "Read my lips, no new taxes" pledge. Backing off from deposing Saddam in the first Gulf War created new problems and increased terror support by the Butcher of Baghdad. Now the White House push will be to be more "moderate", including suggestions to work with Iran and Syria (!!!) re: an Iraq solution. Egad. What's next? Bringing in Jimmy Carter to "help"? The way to win the war on terrorism is not to embrace appeasement. GWB needs a spine implant right now, and should get the veto pen ready. And let's not worry about anyone's legacy, 43... or 41. This is not the time to worry about how the Presidential libraries will portray presidential decisions, and it's no time to get obsessed with improving 41's image. Just do the right thing, Mr. President.

SPEAKING OF REAGAN PRINCIPLES: I am re-engergized after spending the last few days with conservative leaders (including 500 of America's brightest college students) at Young America's Foundation's West Coast Leadership Summit and the Reagan Ranch. Today I also re-visited the Reagan Library. It's been like getting a booster shot of "what really matters" and being filled with optimism, even in the face of new challenges. I think all GOP leaders should be required to make a similar pilgrimage... and soon...before they stray into a DNC trap. For more information, click here: CRUISE WITH US: See the information below.