CBS' 60 Minutes stretches the truth in its feature about disgruntled troops: http://newsbusters.org/node/11051
ON THE AIR TODAY: Back from our fact-finding junket (swanky cruise to the Mexican Riviera) with special guests including James Hirsen, with behind-the-scenes Academy Award info. Also Rowan Scarborough of the DC Examiner with the latest developments in the War on Terror. 12-3PM Pacific today on AM 600 KOGO and www.kogo.com
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"GREEN OSCARS" UPDATE: Here's National Review's funny take on the proceedings. http://article.nationalreview.com/?q=Zjg5ODk5NTkxYTczNmE1ZjgxZDExMzAwNmMxMWViN2I=
ON THE AIR TODAY: Back from our fact-finding junket (swanky cruise to the Mexican Riviera) with special guests including James Hirsen, with behind-the-scenes Academy Award info. Also Rowan Scarborough of the DC Examiner with the latest developments in the War on Terror. 12-3PM Pacific today on AM 600 KOGO and www.kogo.com
WHAT'S YOUR OPINION? It's easy (and free) to add your remarks to LarsonBlog.com! Just click on "comments" under any Blog item.
LATEST POLL: Cast your vote on www.LarsonPoll.com
"GREEN OSCARS" UPDATE: Here's National Review's funny take on the proceedings. http://article.nationalreview.com/?q=Zjg5ODk5NTkxYTczNmE1ZjgxZDExMzAwNmMxMWViN2I=
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