Actual photo of Larson doing research in 1957.

Sunday, March 04, 2007


The lead story on tonight's 60 Minutes featured Brig. Gen. John Custer, chief of intelligence for U.S. Central Command:
CBS promoted Scott Pelley's story as a new revelation: The jihadists are using the internet for recruiting, with shocking results. Glad they've finally caught up with the story. Gen. Custer revealed all of this when I first interviewed him in the Middle East in September of 2005. And he's updated this issue on more recent phone interviews and in-studio with us in San Diego a few weeks ago. He's a very smart man, and we should be grateful to have him in such position of influence. Wish I could say the same about CBS News. But at least they're getting with the story now... about a year and a half late.

She who would be President.

EVER NOTICE: How Barack Obama changes his delivery and style when speaking to African-American audiences? Kind of like when Mrs. Clinton, who grew up in Illinois, feigned a Southern accent when she was first lady (or so she thought) in Arkansas. Today, speaking in Alabama on the anniversary of the Selma march, Obama was on a roll and Hillary was in full-throated blare. Someone needs to remind her that we have microphones now... she doesn't need to yell ala a 1960s demonstration. Oh--- and isn't it interesting that Democrat candidates can speak in any church, anytime, without criticism? But if GOP stars do, it's a Constitutional crisis. Hmmmm...

SPEAKING OF REVELATIONS: No one is more on top of the China threat than Bill Gertz, Pentagon correspondent for the Washington Times. He also wrote "The China Threat" a few years ago. He updated us regarding China's dramatic increase in military spending on Friday's radio show. Here's more info on this hot topic: