Actual photo of Larson doing research in 1957.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007


Sen.Larry Craig's heated statement today ("not gay... never been gay") was strange on several counts. Yes, the Idaho newspaper-of-record has been hounding him on the issue for a long time, and Craig is allowed due process. But the story gets goofier the more you dig into it. Here's what has me most perplexed: Usually Republicans quit and get out of the way when there's a scandal, instead of playing it ala Bill Clinton until they have to drag 'em away. Maybe Larry Craig is at heart (gasp) a DEMOCRAT, the way he's hanging in and spewing denials. No matter what, the story is this year's Mark Foley blurb. Thank goodness there's no election day soon. The GOP ethics investigation announced today was timely (for a change).

SPEAKING OF DEMS: Rep. Bob Filner is still in Iraq, after reports of alleged airport scuffling in DC and and earlier similar story at a detention center in El Cantro, California. Bob was supposed to call in to my radio show from the war zone, but apparently that's not happening now. I guess he finds American media more dangerous than Al Qaeda.

MEANWHILE: Iran's wacky leader vows to "fill the vacuum" in Iraq. Gee, thanks for the "help". He's already helping bad guys there and in Syria, etc. So President Bush says the right thing: Just watch how the opposition tries to say this is Bush just making things up to increase his power. No, Ahmadinejad is nuts. And very dangerous.