Actual photo of Larson doing research in 1957.

Friday, October 12, 2007


The British pose a question about values and time use:
If an asteroid was about to hit earth in 60 minutes, what would YOU do? I guess this type of dilemma puts Al Gore's dire warnings into perspective.

GOREBASM: So now Al Gore's won the Nobel Peace Prize... after his Oscar and Emmy. They're created a monster. A run for the White House next?

NOT THE MOTHER OF THE YEAR: The allegations are that a 14 year-old home schooler built an arsenal so he could execute a Columbine-style attack:
If this was the perverbial "cry for help", didn't his mother sense something was up, say, six months into the YEAR he worked on the plan... or how about when she bought him another gun to add to the pile of "stuff" on display in his room? Makes Brittney Spears look like a saint.