Every President can use them... some more effectively than others. Now, as we've been discussing on the radio show for weeks... time to watch what the new President plans to do. Or UN-do. January 20, 2009 will likely be a day of loads of quick executive orders that may surprise some of Mr. Obama's biggest fans (and opponents). Here's more info:
ON THE LIGHTER SIDE: Both sides have to admit this Onion News Network parody is pretty funny (and better than SNL). Check this video on what the biggest Obama devotees are now "experiencing": http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c3_95F5e-Ac
ON THE LIGHTER SIDE: Both sides have to admit this Onion News Network parody is pretty funny (and better than SNL). Check this video on what the biggest Obama devotees are now "experiencing": http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c3_95F5e-Ac
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