Actual photo of Larson doing research in 1957.

Friday, January 09, 2009


That's what Prez-elect Obama's all about right now. Seems like there's an almost hourly update about how awful things are and how they'll stay awful (or worse) for a longggg time. This points out a couple of things: He's not sure his plans will really work and his most ardent supporters (who think they just elected God) are slow learners... have to tell them over and over again that it's not going to all be wonderful magic on inauguration day. I hope and pray that he does the right thing and America gets out of its major mental funk soon, but one of the ways he'll need to make that happen is to avoid blaming Bush for everything over the next few years. It's now all about what's the President going to do, vs. the non-stop empty platitudes during the campaign.

LARSON NEWS: Thanks very much for all the emails since I departed 1700AM last week.
It's been very encouraging as I work through the next steps in settling things after such an unexpected turn. I've been in this business too long to fall into the temptation to "grich and moan" about the situation. Besides, I'm not the only person impacted by the recent events. Needless to say, the story isn't "over". We'll see how things work out. I'll keep you posted here when I'm able to say more.

For those concerned about "what's Larson doing now?", please go to for updates on all the "Larson, Inc." work I've always been doing...and will now be expanding. These are crazy times for media .... radio, TV and especially print. But its nothing different compared to what many companies and employees are going through right now.