Actual photo of Larson doing research in 1957.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005


Gotta love it: When we conservatives occasionally critique President Bush, invariably I get calls and emails from people who think WE'RE the problem. A caller to my radio show said that I am "weakening" the Prez by not supporting Harriet Miers. No, it's part of healthy discourse. That's what conservatives do: discuss issues with vigor. Besides, it's GWB who weakened his clout. He built up great momentum through the Roberts process and could have won a fight for a stronger candidate this time byNOT choosing someone too close to home. Janet Rogers Brown would have been a better choice... one of several available, actually. Now Laura Bush is sounding like she's in "quota mode", telling NBC's Today Show that it's possible some critics were being "sexist" in their opposition to Harriet Miers. Wow. As much as I like this President, when we start hearing defenses like this it's time to worry a bit. (Who's pandering to whom.. and why?) Eagle Forum founder Phyliss Schlafly tells me that the chances of Bush withdrawing the nominating (or of Ms. Miers backing out) "increase every day".

ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION? REALLY? Many of us have been pushing for tighter border security for years. For example, my fellow KOGO talk show host Roger Hedgecock began blazing the trail about twenty years ago. We deal with the issue every day on our programs. That's why it's so amusing to watch some national TV personalities acting as if they JUST discovered the problem... their message and attitude implies, "I'm on the job now and I'm here to rescue you". Bunk. Much like Clinton showing up in a disaster zone, biting his bottom lip and and shedding a tear for the camera. Too much posturing, too little action. The only good that comes out of such stunts feigned for ratings is that the message might reach a few more thick-skulls on Capitol Hill. BTW:I was in a meeting in Tom DeLay's office earlier this year and listened to chiefs of staff for many leaders... most clueless about illegal immgration. After an hour an a half of "DC-speak" I was asked, "Mark, what are your listeners concerned about?" I said, "Without a doubt, the illegal immigration issue is huge." One staffer for a U.S. Senator said, "Yes, sure, we'll deal with that when we get these other issues covered". Right. They have to get the truth before it's too late: illegal immigration and border security are THE issue. All others stem from it.

POWER SQUEEZE: Another power outage in Los Angeles causes some Californians to ask, "Gubernor Squat" Davis is gone.. we had the recall and brought Arnold in... why are we still having energy problems?" We need more power plants. And the left is still in control of the California State Assembly and Senate. Unfortunately bad policy lingers long after some "leaders" are gone. Just like judges... appointed years ago by Gov. Moonbean (Jerry Brown), Clinton, Carter.... they keep on legislating from the bench whenever it suits their purposes. The "gift that keeps on giving". Gov. Ahhnold has a tough job. But he's going to surprise the left with big wins on November 8.