Actual photo of Larson doing research in 1957.

Sunday, October 23, 2005


If your only window to the world is that 32 inch+ "peephole to paradise", be careful. Whether it's skewed news or disproportionate attention to "hot" issues and subtle agendas, television has more power over you than you may think. Here's a test: What behaviors/attitudes have you become "softer" about? Which former "strike issues" no longer matter to you. Chances are your views have morphed due to a steady drumbeat of spin and activism. So remember, Reagan said, "Trust...but verify". There's plenty of good material on the tube, but finding it takes work. And here's something else to consider: Network ratings month (aka "November sweeps") begins this week--- so get ready for an increased volume of the strange, the titillating, the absurd and the dangerous. All in the name of winning larger audience and advertising revenue. Nevermind what it does to kids. Or to morals in the community.

TEACHER AND STUDENT "RELATIONS": Praised in TV movies (such as the swell story of Mary Kaye and little Villi) and often ignored (or saluted) by people who should cry foul... no wonder we have more of these stories these days: