RUMOR MILL: The current swirl in DC involves Democrats salivating over a possible (but not inevitable) Karl Rove indictment...even a Cheney resignation. Followed by a Condi Rice move to VP?
INTO THE LOOKING GLASS: If Fitzgerald only cites low-level White House people in the CIA/Plame/Flame case, libs will yell about him being a Bush lackey. If he tabs Rove or Scooter Libby (not to be confused with Teetertotter Specter) the sharks will smell blood in the political pond and cast Bush as a modern day Nixon/Watergate figure. White House pols move into full defensive posture. Of course a high-level indictment would make Harriet Miers the also-ran story of the day... and fuel more witchhunts, ala Ronnie Earle's obsession with Tom DeLay.
I HAVE BETTER SOURCES: Despite Air America host John Elliott's assertion (to yours truly on Fox TV Wednesday) that Rove would be "indicted today"... nuttin' happened. As predicted by your friendly compassionate conservative host.
BILL PRESS: Is a fun guest...but liberal through and through. Just plain wrong. His new book, "How the Republicans Stole Christmas : The Republican Party's Declared Monopoly on Religion and What Democrats Can Do to Take it Back", is interesting and often infuriating at times... and it really reveals how the left thinks. Better read: Our friend John Gibson's (Fox News) "The War on Christmas : How the Liberal Plot to Ban the Sacred Christian Holiday IsWorse Than You Thought". He's right on the money. And a whole lot more lucid. (John hosts "The Big Story" weekdays on the Fox News Channel.)
INSIDE THE WHITE HOUSE: Conservative icon Paul Weyrich told me Wednesday that the Bush administration is certainly concerned about the Rove/Libby questions, but not "paralyzed". (So far.)
BUT THEN AGAIN: Furious but loyal?
PHOTO SHOP: Tom DeLay had "mug shots" taken Wednesday. The "mainstream/dinosaur" media will start running these as "official portraits" every chance they get. Any wagering? Will DeLay's mug get more play than Abu Garaib shots? Oh MY... what a newsroom dilemma!
THE WORLD'S A SAFER PLACE: So says a new report.
OR IS IT? The latest from Iran.
IT'S ALL ABOUT FREEDOM: We'll be in Simi Valley, California this weekend for the debut of the magnificent new exhibit at the Reagan Library (opens to the public on Monday October 24):
RUMOR MILL: The current swirl in DC involves Democrats salivating over a possible (but not inevitable) Karl Rove indictment...even a Cheney resignation. Followed by a Condi Rice move to VP?
INTO THE LOOKING GLASS: If Fitzgerald only cites low-level White House people in the CIA/Plame/Flame case, libs will yell about him being a Bush lackey. If he tabs Rove or Scooter Libby (not to be confused with Teetertotter Specter) the sharks will smell blood in the political pond and cast Bush as a modern day Nixon/Watergate figure. White House pols move into full defensive posture. Of course a high-level indictment would make Harriet Miers the also-ran story of the day... and fuel more witchhunts, ala Ronnie Earle's obsession with Tom DeLay.
I HAVE BETTER SOURCES: Despite Air America host John Elliott's assertion (to yours truly on Fox TV Wednesday) that Rove would be "indicted today"... nuttin' happened. As predicted by your friendly compassionate conservative host.
BILL PRESS: Is a fun guest...but liberal through and through. Just plain wrong. His new book, "How the Republicans Stole Christmas : The Republican Party's Declared Monopoly on Religion and What Democrats Can Do to Take it Back", is interesting and often infuriating at times... and it really reveals how the left thinks. Better read: Our friend John Gibson's (Fox News) "The War on Christmas : How the Liberal Plot to Ban the Sacred Christian Holiday IsWorse Than You Thought". He's right on the money. And a whole lot more lucid. (John hosts "The Big Story" weekdays on the Fox News Channel.)
INSIDE THE WHITE HOUSE: Conservative icon Paul Weyrich told me Wednesday that the Bush administration is certainly concerned about the Rove/Libby questions, but not "paralyzed". (So far.)
BUT THEN AGAIN: Furious but loyal?
PHOTO SHOP: Tom DeLay had "mug shots" taken Wednesday. The "mainstream/dinosaur" media will start running these as "official portraits" every chance they get. Any wagering? Will DeLay's mug get more play than Abu Garaib shots? Oh MY... what a newsroom dilemma!
THE WORLD'S A SAFER PLACE: So says a new report.
OR IS IT? The latest from Iran.
IT'S ALL ABOUT FREEDOM: We'll be in Simi Valley, California this weekend for the debut of the magnificent new exhibit at the Reagan Library (opens to the public on Monday October 24):
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