Now that the Iraqi Parliament has approved last-minute changes to the proposed Constitution, there will be more Sunni involvement in this weekend's referendum. The loopy left has been saying all along that even small cooperation with the Sunnis would never happen and it would end all in disaster. While many liberals still behave as if they hope America can still "snatch defeat from the jaws of victory", today's moves by the Iraqi government are a huge step toward self-government and stability in the region.
LEFT-WINGERS UNITE... AROUND SOMEBODY ELSE! Al Gore, speaking in Sweden (lefties always go overseas to bash the USA) says that he will NOT run for Prez in 2008. He also decided to describe the wonderful nirvana that Americans missed by electing Bush over Algore in 2000 (WARNING: If you've just eaten something, you might check this article later):,2933,171985,00.html
SPEAKING OF STABILITY: The letter from Bin Laden's #2 guy, Ayman Al-Zawahri, confirms much of what I heard behind the scenes in the Middle East two weeks ago. Al Qaeda is not content with only controlling Iraq. And they would have had visions of conquest even if we had done nothing about Saddam. They're drooling over the goal of toppling other"secular" countries including Lebanon, Jordan and Syria... even Saudi Arabia. And they're clearly hoping that the American spirit wanes so the terrorists can assume control once the USA relives the Vietnam experience. Heaven forbid. Here's to hoping President Bush stays the course on the war, and doesn't get swayed by polls.. including one released today that says 58% of those surveyed "are fed up with and tired of the war in Iraq". Democracy, Iraqi style, is growing and will take a giant leap toward increased strength with this Saturday's referendum. That'not not good news for the terrorist creeps. And a media-savvy guy like Al-Zawahri knows it.
DOBSON UPDATE: As much as I respect Dr. James Dobson, I wish he had kept quiet about the faith of Harriet Miers. This debate has now morphed into the type of church-state angle that the ACLU loves. They will try to demonize Bush for viewing everything through a spiritual filter. Dobson has every right to speak, but too often fellow Christians in leadership spots don't think of the timing and PR aspects of their public statements. It's more geared to increasing their donor base or just demonstrating how they are "on the inside". And just because Ms. Miers is now fully "outed" as an evangelical Christian shouldn't be the only reason to blindly support her. Dr. Dobson says he was told other judicial candidates (maybe some I've mentioned would have been better choices) "took themselves out of the running". Maybe so. But personal religious faith is not a 100% guarantee that a person will vote according to their faith-based convictions.
Just look at Mario Cuomo, Teddy Kennedy... Al Gore. Pro-aborts, all, despite their respective churches committment to life. And all are claiming to be people of faith. (Gore, in fact, was a longtime pro-lifer... until he decided to run for higher office. So much for those deep spiritual beliefs.)
HERE THEY GO ALREADY:\Politics\archive\200510\POL20051012b.html
LEFT-WINGERS UNITE... AROUND SOMEBODY ELSE! Al Gore, speaking in Sweden (lefties always go overseas to bash the USA) says that he will NOT run for Prez in 2008. He also decided to describe the wonderful nirvana that Americans missed by electing Bush over Algore in 2000 (WARNING: If you've just eaten something, you might check this article later):,2933,171985,00.html
SPEAKING OF STABILITY: The letter from Bin Laden's #2 guy, Ayman Al-Zawahri, confirms much of what I heard behind the scenes in the Middle East two weeks ago. Al Qaeda is not content with only controlling Iraq. And they would have had visions of conquest even if we had done nothing about Saddam. They're drooling over the goal of toppling other"secular" countries including Lebanon, Jordan and Syria... even Saudi Arabia. And they're clearly hoping that the American spirit wanes so the terrorists can assume control once the USA relives the Vietnam experience. Heaven forbid. Here's to hoping President Bush stays the course on the war, and doesn't get swayed by polls.. including one released today that says 58% of those surveyed "are fed up with and tired of the war in Iraq". Democracy, Iraqi style, is growing and will take a giant leap toward increased strength with this Saturday's referendum. That'not not good news for the terrorist creeps. And a media-savvy guy like Al-Zawahri knows it.
DOBSON UPDATE: As much as I respect Dr. James Dobson, I wish he had kept quiet about the faith of Harriet Miers. This debate has now morphed into the type of church-state angle that the ACLU loves. They will try to demonize Bush for viewing everything through a spiritual filter. Dobson has every right to speak, but too often fellow Christians in leadership spots don't think of the timing and PR aspects of their public statements. It's more geared to increasing their donor base or just demonstrating how they are "on the inside". And just because Ms. Miers is now fully "outed" as an evangelical Christian shouldn't be the only reason to blindly support her. Dr. Dobson says he was told other judicial candidates (maybe some I've mentioned would have been better choices) "took themselves out of the running". Maybe so. But personal religious faith is not a 100% guarantee that a person will vote according to their faith-based convictions.
Just look at Mario Cuomo, Teddy Kennedy... Al Gore. Pro-aborts, all, despite their respective churches committment to life. And all are claiming to be people of faith. (Gore, in fact, was a longtime pro-lifer... until he decided to run for higher office. So much for those deep spiritual beliefs.)
HERE THEY GO ALREADY:\Politics\archive\200510\POL20051012b.html
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