Actual photo of Larson doing research in 1957.

Friday, October 14, 2005


MIERS UPDATE: Peggy Noonan nails it in her column:

THERE HE GOES AGAIN: It's all Bush's fault..and conspiracy!\Culture\archive\200510\CUL20051013a.html

SAN DIEGO CITY HALL INFIGHTING: The whole case gets more bizarre by the day. City Attorney Mike Aguirre and the Council (with dueling counsel) arguing who's in charge and, most amazingly, what the City Charter really says. It's pretty scary to think that public officials haven't mastered the document as "job one" and some are now trying to imagine it says whatever suits their interests. All while the city sinks deeper into the Sea of Red Ink.

MAKE US BEG TO BE TAXED: That's the plan in everything from projected city cutbacks to Donna Frye's half cent sales tax increase scheme. Bureaucrats figure that if they pretend like they can't possibly cut anything else... that every dollar is now being spent wisely... then they cut services they shouldn't be touching, you and I will beg for the "opportunity" to pay more taxes. Talk about crazy! The idea that even a teeny 3% cut can't be done without pain is absurd. Hey, if you have $100 in expenses at your house, you can always find a way to save three bucks. Skip a mocho frappe mooka jamma latte.