Just like George Bailey asked in It's a Wonderful Life: "Don't you see what's happening here!?!?" Yes, it's all so obvious...except to the "enlightened left". The national media are having a fit over the Cheney incident, and no amount of mea culpa-with-tears will help. They're determined to bring him down (and, they hope, Bush) over the hunting accident. (Of course Cheney didn't REALLY "show remorse" in the Hume piece, did he?) In the meantime they're ignoring the most important stories: Everything from Gore's treason in Saudi Arabia to U.S. ports being turned over to the United Arab Emirates. Hey, it's TV sweeps month, after all. They think it's better for ratings to harp about Cheney (and make it sound like a Sopranos episode... "He shot a guy in the FACE!!!") than to cover issues crucial to American security.

Jimmy Stewart as George Bailey, estimating the amount of network baloney spewed Wednesday.
ABC TRIES TO TELL THE TRUTH: At least on Nightline last night. The "Saddam Tapes" (12 hours worth) reveal the Butcher of Baghdad predicting an attack on Washington, DC with WMD's.... with the caveat that "of course Iraq wouldn't be involved". Uh, yeah, right. The mainstream/dinosaur media are more likely to believe Saddam than Cheney. Watch for today's spin: Hey, Saddam SAID Iraq wasn't involved...... in other news, WHAT IS CHENEY TRYING TO HIDE?????
ABC FALLS BACK TO THE LEFTIST ROUTINE: On World News Tonight, after promoting the Nightline expose, Elizabeth Vargas goes into the story about Cheney's Fox News interview with graphics that include the Vice Presidential seal complete with a shotgun over it. Good grief. And the reporter covering Cheney's words says he "had a beer for lunch". Not "WITH lunch". For lunch.
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THE NETWORKS HATE FOX: Especially when they lose out on the story. CBS said Cheney went to Fox because it was "friendly" to the VP. Uh huh. Well, Brit Hume asked all the right questions... without grandstanding (ala NBC's David Gregory).
NEW POLL: Cast your vote now right here
CBS NEWS TRIES TO DO WHAT IT CAN FOR THE DEMOCRAT CAUSE: Schieffer and company anguished over what Cheney "claims" happened... then showed a roundup of new "torture photos" (I'm sure AL Jazeera will be thankful)... followed by the daily "Salute to Fallen Heroes", which is more of an anti -war tribute than something honoring those who have given the ultimate sacrifice. It's only geared to make Americans cry and wish there was something on TV other than the daily Iraq war body count.
"Don't you see what's happening here?!?!??!"

Jimmy Stewart as George Bailey, estimating the amount of network baloney spewed Wednesday.
ABC TRIES TO TELL THE TRUTH: At least on Nightline last night. The "Saddam Tapes" (12 hours worth) reveal the Butcher of Baghdad predicting an attack on Washington, DC with WMD's.... with the caveat that "of course Iraq wouldn't be involved". Uh, yeah, right. The mainstream/dinosaur media are more likely to believe Saddam than Cheney. Watch for today's spin: Hey, Saddam SAID Iraq wasn't involved...... in other news, WHAT IS CHENEY TRYING TO HIDE?????
ABC FALLS BACK TO THE LEFTIST ROUTINE: On World News Tonight, after promoting the Nightline expose, Elizabeth Vargas goes into the story about Cheney's Fox News interview with graphics that include the Vice Presidential seal complete with a shotgun over it. Good grief. And the reporter covering Cheney's words says he "had a beer for lunch". Not "WITH lunch". For lunch.
WHAT DO YOU THINK? It's easy to comment on any story! Just click on "comments" below the appropriate Blog item. It's FREE... and it's a great way to "vent"!
THE NETWORKS HATE FOX: Especially when they lose out on the story. CBS said Cheney went to Fox because it was "friendly" to the VP. Uh huh. Well, Brit Hume asked all the right questions... without grandstanding (ala NBC's David Gregory).
NEW POLL: Cast your vote now right here
CBS NEWS TRIES TO DO WHAT IT CAN FOR THE DEMOCRAT CAUSE: Schieffer and company anguished over what Cheney "claims" happened... then showed a roundup of new "torture photos" (I'm sure AL Jazeera will be thankful)... followed by the daily "Salute to Fallen Heroes", which is more of an anti -war tribute than something honoring those who have given the ultimate sacrifice. It's only geared to make Americans cry and wish there was something on TV other than the daily Iraq war body count.
"Don't you see what's happening here?!?!??!"
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