Facing another court challenge, the U.S. decides to release more Abu Ghraib photos. Most have already been published, but that won't stop the media from running them all again... and then Al Jazeera can highlight them (and trash America in the process) on their TV news. Enough is enough. Torture is not the American way of life, nor is it standard procedure in the military. It's time for the media to realize how this rehashing jeopardizes men and women in uniform.. and gives aid and comfort to the enemy.
DAY TWO OF ANARCHY REHEARSAL: Walkouts and protests continued Tuesday all across the USA, with mind-numbed sycophants leaving school classrooms and parading through the streets without a clue about the real issues. This isn't a debate about whether "immigration" is a good thing. It is. Legal immigration. But let's start calling illegal immigration what it is: illegal. A nation cannot survive if laws are disregarded and sovereignty is ignored. Politicians need to get a grip and stop trolling for votes. Here's an idea: Try LEADERSHIP.

On NBC Nightly News with Brian Williams tonight talking about illegal immigration.
MEANWHILE IN FRANCE: They're so steeped in socialism that they're protesting the thought of businesses actually running, well, businesses. Gee, no "lifetime job guarantees"? Welcome to the real world. Demonstrations in France and America show how PC thinking has screwed up everyday thinking, with too many people wallowing in the trough of entitlements.
DAY TWO OF ANARCHY REHEARSAL: Walkouts and protests continued Tuesday all across the USA, with mind-numbed sycophants leaving school classrooms and parading through the streets without a clue about the real issues. This isn't a debate about whether "immigration" is a good thing. It is. Legal immigration. But let's start calling illegal immigration what it is: illegal. A nation cannot survive if laws are disregarded and sovereignty is ignored. Politicians need to get a grip and stop trolling for votes. Here's an idea: Try LEADERSHIP.

On NBC Nightly News with Brian Williams tonight talking about illegal immigration.
MEANWHILE IN FRANCE: They're so steeped in socialism that they're protesting the thought of businesses actually running, well, businesses. Gee, no "lifetime job guarantees"? Welcome to the real world. Demonstrations in France and America show how PC thinking has screwed up everyday thinking, with too many people wallowing in the trough of entitlements.
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