Weekend events in Iraq and Afghanistan will keeping spinning the news this week. First, this:,,1740433,00.html?gusrc=rss
Al Jazeera & Co. are already spreading stories that will make it appear that the U.S. was insensitive to Muslims. That's not the case. In Kabul, the man who turned Christian and faces the death penalty isn't free yet, but may be soon. They moved him to the Afghan prison where ex-Taliban inmates staged a riot a couple of weeks ago. Now the networks will have a chance to talk about prisons again, which means, "Hey, let's show you the Abu Ghraib photos again". Talk about insensitive. The network outlets don't seem to care about what they stir up.
THIS WEEK ON THE LARSON SHOW: Behind the scenes with Al Jazeera and they try to go "mainstream", launching an English language network. So far no U.S. cable systems want it.
Monday, we'll also talk with John Fund of the Wall Street Journal. Later in the week: Oliver North. And Friday we're on location in Washington, DC broadcasting from Fox News Channel on Capitol Hill. Listen Noon to 3PM Pacific time on NewsRadio 600 KOGO and

View from my humvee in our convoy in southern Afghanistan. Just one of many groups of Afghans who ran out and smiled and waved at the military. It was like this all along the drive, every convoy.

The new Afghan National Army at their Military Academy ceremony last Monday. It was this "West Point of Afghanistan's" first anniversary. These are the men who'll be responsible for taking over from NATO and U.S. forces in the years ahead.,,1740433,00.html?gusrc=rss
Al Jazeera & Co. are already spreading stories that will make it appear that the U.S. was insensitive to Muslims. That's not the case. In Kabul, the man who turned Christian and faces the death penalty isn't free yet, but may be soon. They moved him to the Afghan prison where ex-Taliban inmates staged a riot a couple of weeks ago. Now the networks will have a chance to talk about prisons again, which means, "Hey, let's show you the Abu Ghraib photos again". Talk about insensitive. The network outlets don't seem to care about what they stir up.
THIS WEEK ON THE LARSON SHOW: Behind the scenes with Al Jazeera and they try to go "mainstream", launching an English language network. So far no U.S. cable systems want it.
Monday, we'll also talk with John Fund of the Wall Street Journal. Later in the week: Oliver North. And Friday we're on location in Washington, DC broadcasting from Fox News Channel on Capitol Hill. Listen Noon to 3PM Pacific time on NewsRadio 600 KOGO and

View from my humvee in our convoy in southern Afghanistan. Just one of many groups of Afghans who ran out and smiled and waved at the military. It was like this all along the drive, every convoy.

The new Afghan National Army at their Military Academy ceremony last Monday. It was this "West Point of Afghanistan's" first anniversary. These are the men who'll be responsible for taking over from NATO and U.S. forces in the years ahead.
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