Actual photo of Larson doing research in 1957.

Thursday, March 08, 2007


Now they're bringing in someone fresh to help Katie overcome her ratings struggle at CBS: Rick Kaplan. Friend of Bill Clinton. Fresh talent, then? Not exactly. More info:
So expect more left of center fun from the man who made MSNBC and CNN so "balanced". The former "Tiffany Network" hasn't learned from the Rather mess, keeps spewing left of center bias then wonders why Ms. Couric is in last place in the net news. To their credit, they have aired some good positive features at times lately, but most changes so far have been inconsequential: Opening the broadcast with Katie seated, not walking awkwardly while doing the opening line. Oh--- and have you noticed she now says "HELLO everyone".... must have felt the heat over the original "HI everyone!" Imagine Cronkite...or Murrow... or Schieffer leading with "Hi". Ooh boy. TV insiders say CBS will stick with her at the helm for at least two years. Hey, they're paying $15 million a year, so they don't want any hasty decisions.