Now the Democrats, champions of women everywhere (uh, right), cause Alito's wife to break down in tears. Nice. The lefties are grasping at anything to try to demonize the Judge. They've gone too far.
SAN DIEGO BUZZ: New Mayor Jerry Sanders gives his first "State of the City" (and it ain't in good shape) message tonight. Rumors abound: Will the Mayor possibly ask (soon) for resignations of the SDCERS pension board next? And then City Attorney Aguirre gets more power? Oh boy.
SAN DIEGO BUZZ: New Mayor Jerry Sanders gives his first "State of the City" (and it ain't in good shape) message tonight. Rumors abound: Will the Mayor possibly ask (soon) for resignations of the SDCERS pension board next? And then City Attorney Aguirre gets more power? Oh boy.
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