In case some slow-learners need more evidence that Iran's leaders are up to no good, how about this tidbit? Nuke missles, anyone?,16518,1677541,00.html
Now, imagine the area if we left Iraq as fast as some on the left suggest. Yikes.

THE GOOD GUYS ARE HEADING OUT TODAY: Our friends on the USS Ronald Reagan (and its Strike Group ships) sail out of San Diego on a six month deployment in support of the War on Terror. I have a special affinity for the ship and its crew, going back to its Norfolk, Virginia commissioning... and as an "Honorary Plankowner" of the ship. The Reagan is the most up-to-date, most powerful warship in the world, with an Air Wing second-to-none. But beyond the "hardware" you'll find the men and women who make it all come together. These are America's finest, and they're doing what they do best. Thanks to the family members they leave handling things on the homefront, too. God bless 'em all, and Godspeed!
ABRAMOFF MESS: Washington,DC pols are sweating bullets over the tainted lobbyist. If there are too many GOP fingerprints on this debacle, watch out. Longtime conservative guru Paul Weyrich told me that this could cause Congress to change hands in the fall. (Egad!!!)
Not to say that Dems will escape the scandal. There just might be more Republicans than donkeys in this. The more DNC-types involved, the less rabid they'll be about investigations. Hmmmm...
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