What an amazing experience on board the USS Ronald Reagan. Be listening for additional reports from the Gulf (filed just before I headed out Monday) on Tuesday's show. Every time I'm on that beautiful ship, I am so impressed by the passion and talent of the young men and women who serve in the cause of freedom. They stay focused and energized, even when away from home for so long. They're not quite to the halfway point of the six month deployment.
KUDOS ARE DUE: The broadcasts from the Reagan could not have been accomplished without the round the clock help of LCDR Gary Ross and JOC Donnie Ryan. These gentlemen assisted me with all the technical and logistical challenges involved in doing our history-making broadcast... it was the first talkshow to originate in its entirely from the USS Ronald Reagan (and most likely from any aircraft carrier) in a war zone. Much appreciation as well to RADM Mike Miller, CO Captain Terry Kraft and XO Captain Billy Hart for their assistance and hospitality.

With Rear Admiral Mike Miller, Commander of the USS Ronald Reagan Strike Group, off the coast of Kuwait.

Commanding Officer, Captain Terry Kraft and me, on the bridge of the USS Ronald Reagan in the Persian Gulf.
(Official U.S. Navy photo by Photographer's Mate Airman (AW) Kathleen Gorby.)
FLUNG INTO THE SKY: Flying off the carrier is something beyond any roller coaster experience. Seated backwards in the "COD", a Grumman prop plane that seats just under thirty people, the aircraft is attached to the ship's steam catapault... which holds it in place until the engines speed up to full speed. Then, in a stomach churning instant, the plane is released...shooting from zero to 130+ mph in about two seconds. Wow, what a rush! It's the same system that launches jet fighters into the sky (check the photos below... the catapault on the right is the one that launched us).
The flight to Bahrain lasted just under an hour. After immigrating back into Bahrain (I'm struck by how all these countries in this part of the world seem to have more stringent immigration procedures than we do) I took a late flight to Doha, Qatar... home of Al Jazeera. More about Qatar in the next LarsonBlog update.

Unloading the "COD" aircraft in Bahrain, after the one hour flight from the Reagan.
WATCHING THE NEWS FROM AFGHANISTAN: I'll be there in a few days, so I'm keeping an eye on all the news:
KUDOS ARE DUE: The broadcasts from the Reagan could not have been accomplished without the round the clock help of LCDR Gary Ross and JOC Donnie Ryan. These gentlemen assisted me with all the technical and logistical challenges involved in doing our history-making broadcast... it was the first talkshow to originate in its entirely from the USS Ronald Reagan (and most likely from any aircraft carrier) in a war zone. Much appreciation as well to RADM Mike Miller, CO Captain Terry Kraft and XO Captain Billy Hart for their assistance and hospitality.

With Rear Admiral Mike Miller, Commander of the USS Ronald Reagan Strike Group, off the coast of Kuwait.

Commanding Officer, Captain Terry Kraft and me, on the bridge of the USS Ronald Reagan in the Persian Gulf.
(Official U.S. Navy photo by Photographer's Mate Airman (AW) Kathleen Gorby.)
FLUNG INTO THE SKY: Flying off the carrier is something beyond any roller coaster experience. Seated backwards in the "COD", a Grumman prop plane that seats just under thirty people, the aircraft is attached to the ship's steam catapault... which holds it in place until the engines speed up to full speed. Then, in a stomach churning instant, the plane is released...shooting from zero to 130+ mph in about two seconds. Wow, what a rush! It's the same system that launches jet fighters into the sky (check the photos below... the catapault on the right is the one that launched us).
The flight to Bahrain lasted just under an hour. After immigrating back into Bahrain (I'm struck by how all these countries in this part of the world seem to have more stringent immigration procedures than we do) I took a late flight to Doha, Qatar... home of Al Jazeera. More about Qatar in the next LarsonBlog update.

Unloading the "COD" aircraft in Bahrain, after the one hour flight from the Reagan.
WATCHING THE NEWS FROM AFGHANISTAN: I'll be there in a few days, so I'm keeping an eye on all the news:
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