...with tattoos? Gee, this is a burning issue?
AFGHANISTAN UPDATE: The drug wars are heating up in the south, with deadly results. This story's especially sobering... it's the same neighborhood where I was last week, in Helmand Province. There's been great progress in the country, but the war over the heroin trade is on.
MORE ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION NEWS: As USA Today reports it, apparently there's nothing we can do? Hmmmm...
COMING UP FRIDAY ON THE LARSON SHOW ON NEWSRADIO 600 KOGO: We'll broadcast live from the studios of the Fox News Channel in Washington, DC (travel day today... Victoria Taft sits in 12-3PM Pacific time). Guests include Chris Wallace, Fred Barnes, Major Garrett, Molly Henneberg and several surprises.
AFGHANISTAN UPDATE: The drug wars are heating up in the south, with deadly results. This story's especially sobering... it's the same neighborhood where I was last week, in Helmand Province. There's been great progress in the country, but the war over the heroin trade is on.
MORE ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION NEWS: As USA Today reports it, apparently there's nothing we can do? Hmmmm...
COMING UP FRIDAY ON THE LARSON SHOW ON NEWSRADIO 600 KOGO: We'll broadcast live from the studios of the Fox News Channel in Washington, DC (travel day today... Victoria Taft sits in 12-3PM Pacific time). Guests include Chris Wallace, Fred Barnes, Major Garrett, Molly Henneberg and several surprises.
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