The President is busy (now) fighting wild spending: www.cnsnews.com/ViewPolitics.asp?Page=/Politics/archive/200706/POL20070621a.html Better late than never? Now if he'd just get more sensible on the immigration issue... soon. Reminder to GWB: Don't worry about your legacy. Do the right thing and the legacy will find you.
MEDIA MADNESS: The left is cranking up the fight against talk radio. Be afraid. Be very afraid. But there's a temptation in "information fatigued America" to assume it's no big deal. It is. More to come...
MEDIA MADNESS: The left is cranking up the fight against talk radio. Be afraid. Be very afraid. But there's a temptation in "information fatigued America" to assume it's no big deal. It is. More to come...
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